About Us:
With the world's population expected to reach 9.7 billion by 2050, ensuring food safety is becoming increasingly important. As food contamination becomes increasingly prevalent, with 1 in 10 people worldwide falling ill due to contaminated food each year, it's more important than ever to have fast and reliable food safety tests in place. That's where ImagoAI comes in - an AI food-tech company revolutionizing food safety testing with cutting-edge technology.
ImagoAI's offers multiple safety and quality tests, including our fast and accurate corn mycotoxin test, which detects multiple mycotoxins in < 30 seconds. With our technology, you can conduct more tests at 50% less cost, while mitigating risk from day one and saving up to 90% of labor time.
Our advanced hyperspectral imaging and AI technology eliminates the need for hazardous chemical testing, increasing employee safety, and reducing contaminated product recall rates. ImagoAI's solution is easy to use and provides reliable results, increasing operational efficiency and reducing costs.
With over 50,000 tests and 1000 GB+ of hyperspectral data collected, ImagoAI's solution has been extensively tested and validated, providing a proven solution to ensure food safety. Choose ImagoAI for faster, better, and safer food safety testing