Full Stack Developer

Min Experience

0 years





About the role

● Experienced as a MEAN/MERNStack developer. 
● Strong expertise with Angular 2+ / ReactJS, NodeJS, ExpressJS, Socket.io. 
● Understanding of fundamental design principles behind a secured, scalable, production-ready application development and deployment. 
● Great interpersonal and communication skills. 
● Understanding of Git, and CI/CD practices.

Role and Responsibilities: 
● Work as part of an agile team developing applications, designing sprints, and leading the team in ensuring deliveries are met. 
● Design and implementation of low-latency, high-availability, and high-performance applications. 
● Ensurecodemodularity with micro-services architecture. 
● Ensure best practices in Web application development. 
● Participate in the complete software development lifecycle and write code that is maintainable, clear, and concise. 
● Manage application deployment in AWS, considering security, scalability, and reliability. 
● Manage/evolve automated testing setup for the backend and frontend for faster bug reporting and fixing. 
● Contribute to team and organizational improvements in process and infrastructure. ● Learnaboutthedomainandcompetitors to propose new features and help in product improvement.

Good to have: 
● Knowledge of unit testing (Jasmine/Mocha), and e2e testing frameworks (Cypress). 
● Experience in micro-services and/or micro-frontend architecture.


MERN Stack Developer
MEAN Stack Development